How To Show Up Brightly In Life And Love…

I am interrupting your regularly scheduled blog post reading to tell you to Live Loudly!

Ask yourself how you are showing up in this life....and when in doubt, start by dressing brightly!

Here is the thing...if Juan saw my Busualness (for those unfamiliar...better than usualness), why can't I? In the search, I have dug deep, unearthed , overthrown barriers, both natural and woman-made, and I now, quite loudly announce, that I have Arrived....with a captial A.

I used to proclaim what I wanted in a small way. I used to think about it and quietly work hard for it, attempt to mold it and create it and control it until I reached my desired result. I would agonize over it, want perfection before proceeding and want to give the impression that I had it all together.

Then in the evolution of me...I began to tell others, very openly, what it was I was working towards, whether it was a new business venture or infertility treatments, or a household or personal cleanse...sharing each new endeavor for accountability and sanity, and reporting on each outcome, whether heartache or success fueled. I began to edit less, caring only a little bit about the possibility of someone not liking, preferring or all out rejecting me and my life.

Today, I have taken it a step further and finally fully understand that this life, my purpose and calling, are not dependent on the approval, needs, emotions or desires of others.
Today, I speak a new language...all things healing! I want love and connection and feeling and beauty and community.
I want authenticity, in it's highest form; I don't preoccupy myself with the version of me I "want" others to see because I love this version of me; the only changes necessary are the growth that organically occurs in this journey and on this path.

(Insert applause)

Now that I know what I know, now that I am ready to heal, I want it all.
I will seek it, I will chase it, I will defend it with every fiber of my being.
I will be loud, be bold and be bright.
I won't shrink. I will kiss timidity good bye.

Live Devoted (capital D!) to your purpose and your calling.
Look at life through that lens when things gets messy; sift through decisions and scenarios with your Devotion in mind. Seek and ask for clarity. Wait with patience and an open heart.
Symbolically (or actually, if that floats your boat) Shout!
Assert Yourself with Grace
Be More Self-Assured Than Ever.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to share so me, or outside of your comfort zone/ your cone of silence (any Get Smart fans out there?).
It means live your convictions, live your purpose, in such a way, where everything you stand for is
Say it out loud or make it actionable!
Make it obvious through observation, LIVE it loudly!
If you are about healing and helping others heal...then immerse yourself in healing things; go on retreats, carve time out for yourself, journal, listen to podcasts, read books, surround yourself with support, go to therapy, find a creative outlet to express your feelings, move your body in relation to how you feel.

Find the reasons why you are you, why you are here, in this world, and maximize them.

If you are still on the journey to being Loud, I am leaving some signposts to guide you.
I cannot wait to continue seeing how you show up in this world.
Own it!
Live bravely with Love!

9 Signposts for Becoming Boldly Busual
Manifest It
Know It
Own It
Love It
Wear It
Share It
Grow It
Live It
Proclaim It Brightly

Celebrate yourself Where.You.Are!

If you care to share, tell us what signpost you feel you are currently on in this journey of the self.
Which has been the hardest? Which has brought you the most understanding?

Above all...continue on!

With love,


Hocus Pocus, Everybody Focus…


Feeling All Of Our Feelings…