A Meditation:

Let The Discomfort Inform You

Our bodies are constantly sending us little love notes. Often, the notes that we become keenly aware of don’t feel like love at all, but a poking, a discomfort, an anxiousness, restlessness or some other sense of displeasure. 

I experienced this today in fact. Upon waking, despite the fact that I slept for 9 solid hours, I felt tired, heavy and immediately frustrated. I couldn’t pinpoint a reason, so I went to my mat. Instead of comfort, my mat brought an identifiable indecision…I didn’t know how I wanted to move. Nothing felt right, nothing was bringing me peace. I spend the entirety of the day in this way, feeling like there was so much to do, so little time, zero energy and no end in sight. 

The messaging I receive, when I sit with these feelings, is that something needs to shift. 

It could be small, like a routine or a mindset, it could be large, like a relationship, a job, a friendship, a boundary or a lifestyle….

The energy that constantly flows through us, communicates the needs of our highest and most enlightened selves…it illuminates the path we are to follow on the journey of our perpetual evolution. Will you listen for it? Can you remain connected to the senses, the body and the heart as trustworthy informants? 


I can sit with the discomfort

I understand that these feelings are human, are normal and that it can inform my evolution.

I accept the discomfort.

I am grateful for the lessons the discomfort can bring.

I am open to change.