What’s In The Works
Like all of us, my system has been trying to find it's way through the collective 2020-2021 and this new 2022.
You may or may not know that in addition to the changes that Covid has brought, including the closing of my beloved Yoga Community, I have also divorced, moved from my home, settled into a career as a homeschool teacher/nanny and at times, lost my way with my own sacred practices.
But parallel to all of the hardship, there has been beauty and self-discovery, healing, boundary setting and revelations and lots and lots of WORK. This work has been both internal and self-motivated as well as collective…inspired by those dear to me.
For a while, the “wanting”…knowing my career will transition…thinking about what I want to do…was fuzzy, filled with anxiety, and though always strong in intention and purpose…formless.
Here is what I have now discovered.
I remembered that above all else…I am a teacher.
It is my art. I love to teach…academics, yoga (in all of it’s forms) and of my life experiences.
As a teacher I have the gift of being able to create, to take something of obscurity, break it into bite sized pieces, to look at things in a different way.
I acknowledge my intense desire to be of service, to provide assistance with the same modalities of healing that have been a stronghold for me in hard times. I feel so strongly that those who suffer trauma and loss, who struggle to find hope, who don’t feel like themselves in their bodies and who feel less than, should never have to endure life unsupported.
I understand that together with my teaching experience, the pieces of me that I avoided for so long, serve to inform the work that I now hope to do.
I have called back the writer in me. The career path that I so wanted, but that was out of reach, both practically and emotionally when I wasn’t ready to take the risk and face the vulnerability that comes from seeking inspiration from within.
So that brings me to the question…”What is it that I can offer to you…as a service…to the public?”
I can offer courses and modules, revolving around all of the pieces of me…all of the layers of the onion that are the depths of my soul.
Modules focused on the intricacies of yoga
Modules to write your grief
Modules to write your story
Modules on sacred philosophy
Community shares, meant to encourage and inspire
Fundraising for the causes near and dear to my heart.
All of this means I continue learning, and continue teaching, designing, writing and moving, growing, inspiring and being inspired.
I cannot wait to share these offerings with you and to join together, with you, in the deep study of the human experience.
Sending much love,